Navigating Airport Temptations Like a Pro: Your Health Goals Stay on Track

Airports - those bustling hubs of travel excitement and, unfortunately, potential health goal derailment. Picture this: you're at the airport, your stomach rumbles, and you find yourself surrounded by tempting treats. But fret not! I'm here to share some battle-tested strategies that will help you breeze through the airport without compromising your health goals.


A Tale of Two Airports:

Not long ago, I experienced a travel transformation that perfectly illustrates the power of preparation. I journeyed to Denver, a stark contrast to my previous escapade from Las Vegas. The latter trip saw me in a hangry frenzy, frantically searching for vegetarian options. Starbucks was closed, my stomach was growling, and my stress levels were through the roof. Pizza from the food court ended up being my surrender, my health goals derailed.


Fast forward to my recent trip to Denver. Armed with a newfound approach, I was cool, calm, and collected. The secret? Prioritizing my health before I even left home. And guess what? It worked wonders.

Strategy 1: BYOS (Bring Your Own Snacks)

Airport convenience stores and eateries often beckon with unhealthy options. But packing your own nutritious snacks is like having a secret weapon against temptation. Snacks like nuts, protein bars, and cut-up veggies keep you fueled and focused without compromising your wellness journey.


Strategy 2: Spoil Your Appetite

Ever been so famished that you'd devour anything in sight? Avoid this trap by having a wholesome meal before setting foot in the airport. A balanced, satisfying meal will keep those cravings at bay and empower you to make mindful choices.  My brother and I went to a local restaurant on the way to the airport and I enjoyed a delicious salad.


Strategy 3: Distract and Conquer

Sometimes, eating out of boredom can be a major stumbling block. Combat it by finding engaging distractions. A good book, a podcast, or even some light airport window shopping can shift your focus away from mindless munching.


A Mindset Shift for Travel Triumph:

As I discovered, mastering the airport food challenge is about more than just snacks; it's a shift in mindset. By taking charge of your nourishment before you travel, you transform yourself from a panicked pizza seeker into a composed, confident traveler. The airport becomes a place of ease rather than anxiety, and your health goals stay securely on track.


So, the next time you're at the airport, remember: you're in control, you're prepared, and you're on a journey toward your healthiest self. Bon voyage to your goals and a travel experience free of diet detours!


Stay focused, stay prepared, and stay empowered.

Jelina Shah

Dr. Jelina Shah is a Clinical Pharmacist and Holistic Diabetes Health Coach for people who struggle with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. Jelina specializes in diabetes related holistic health and has successfully served hundreds of patients in decreasing their blood sugars, have more energy, feel confident about their food choices, and be educated about their medications across the Healthcare industry. This work is so important to Jelina after working in healthcare for over 15 years, she has seen the current Healthcare system’s inability to help people as many people are often given several medications and advised to simply “eat healthier and exercise” without any education on how this can be achieved. She envisions a world where every person experiences living as the happiest and healthiest version of themselves. Jelina approaches Type 2 diabetes differently as she not only addresses the medications and the health risks associated with diabetes, but also focuses on the root causes by attending to the emotional and mental aspects of the disease. By tackling the reason behind why we eat and how we eat, she can help patients sustain lower blood sugars, lose weight and even take fewer medications. If you want to manage or reverse your diabetes holistically, then contact Dr. Jelina Shah at

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