Health Hiccups: Conquering Cravings and Chaos

Life's like a rollercoaster, full of ups, downs, and the occasional loop-de-loop. Picture this: I'm coming back from a fantastic dinner with an old friend, high on life, when I walk into a scene from a horror movie. My poor dog had turned my kitchen into a Jackson Pollock painting – and trust me, you don't want to know the colors involved. Panic mode: activated.


Obstacle 1: Panic Attack Central

My pup's trembling like a leaf, and those big, brown, puppy dog eyes are begging me for help. Cue instant emotional chaos. Stress levels are off the charts, and I'm practically one hair's breadth away from joining my pup in the trembling department.


Solution: TLC – Tender Loving Care

I quickly realize that I can't help my furry buddy if I'm a wreck. Rest, sleep, and proper nutrition were crucial. After all, how could I care for others if I wasn't feeling my best? I found solace in napping when my pup did and incorporated a calming yoga practice during his naptime. These self-care measures helped me regain my composure and energy.


Obstacle 2: Comfort Food Cravings

Stress and cookies – they go together like peanut butter and jelly, right? The cookie jar's calling my name, and I'm weak-willed enough to answer.


Solution: Pause and Ponder

In the battle of cookies vs. health, health gets the trophy (kinda).  Before I indulged in the cookies, I started with a quick, refreshing salad and some edamame. The next time I had a cookie craving, I did a quick gut check – am I actually hungry, or just stress-eating my feelings?

Obstacle 3: Patience Wearing Thin

Stress has a magical way of making your patience disappear like a magician's rabbit. I want to be patient with my ailing pup and anyone at the Vet’s office, but boy, it's tough.  I’m stressed and worried and being inpatient will definitely not help the situation.


Solution: Kindness to Myself

I gave myself permission to be imperfect. If I slipped up, I told myself I could make better choices at the next meal or engage in a short, manageable workout. This self-compassion helped me stay on track while acknowledging that stressful situations sometimes lead to less-than-ideal decisions.  It's like a get-out-of-jail-free card for when life gets too hectic. 


Obstacle 4: The Power of Support

 In times of trouble, a friendly ear can make all the difference. My friends and family are my lifelines, keeping me afloat when I feel like I'm sinking and distraction from unhealthy habits.


Solution: Lean on Loved Ones

Conversations with the people who care about me give me the boost I need. They turn my focus away from the cookie jar and toward the brighter side of life.

Conclusion: Life's Twists and Turns

 Life's an obstacle course; you never know what's coming next. But how we handle those obstacles defines us. It's not about being perfect; it's about making choices that count. So, when life throws lemons at you, remember to choose wisely. Give yourself a break, eat that salad, and lean on your squad.

Jelina Shah

Dr. Jelina Shah is a Clinical Pharmacist and Holistic Diabetes Health Coach for people who struggle with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. Jelina specializes in diabetes related holistic health and has successfully served hundreds of patients in decreasing their blood sugars, have more energy, feel confident about their food choices, and be educated about their medications across the Healthcare industry. This work is so important to Jelina after working in healthcare for over 15 years, she has seen the current Healthcare system’s inability to help people as many people are often given several medications and advised to simply “eat healthier and exercise” without any education on how this can be achieved. She envisions a world where every person experiences living as the happiest and healthiest version of themselves. Jelina approaches Type 2 diabetes differently as she not only addresses the medications and the health risks associated with diabetes, but also focuses on the root causes by attending to the emotional and mental aspects of the disease. By tackling the reason behind why we eat and how we eat, she can help patients sustain lower blood sugars, lose weight and even take fewer medications. If you want to manage or reverse your diabetes holistically, then contact Dr. Jelina Shah at

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